Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lamplighter Theater, 7 Audio Dramas for $7

Lamplighter Theater is one of the highest quality full cast audio dramatization publishers. Usually their dramas go for around $15 to $30 each. Today they are offering 7 audiobooks for $7 for MP3 downloads. Seasons one, two and three normally cost $375 and they're on sale for $14. Check out the deal here. You can check out some of their dramas here for free.  

Season One:
Sir Malcolm and The Missing Prince - 2 hrs
The Basket of Flowers - 2 hrs
Charlie's Choice - 2.5 hrs
The Captive - 2 hrs
The Unexpected Return - 1.5 hrs
The Hedge of Thorns - 1.5 hrs
A Peep Behind the Scenes - 3.5 hrs

Seasons Two and Three:
The Robber's Cave - 2 hrs
The Boy of Mount Rhigi - 2 hrs
Buried in the Snow - 2 hrs
The Wanderer - 2.5 hrs
Teddy's Button - 2 hrs
Sir Knight of the Splendid Way - 2 hrs
The White Gypsy - 2 1/4 hrs

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Free Christian Audio Drama

There's only a few days left to get Christian Audio's free book for September. This month's offer is The Brotherhood by Jerry Jenkins (coauthor of the Left Behind series). Although I have already downloaded it I haven't had the chance to give it a listen, thus no review as of yet. this isn't audio drama but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway. 

The Ark of Time is a faith-based podcast, produced by Strobie Studios. It is reminiscent of Adventures in Odyssey, with a bit of a "Dr. Who" feel. This is a full-cast audio dramatization, complete with sound effects. Although it is more geared toward adults, it is family friendly, chocked full of adventure, humor and witty dialogue. Check out the podcast here. There are a total of two seasons and unfortunately you may have to rename them so they'll play in chronological order.

If you enjoy audio dramatizations, then you should also check out what I believe is the oldest running radio dramatization still being aired today. Unshackled is produced by the Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, featuring true stories of people who have found Christ.The podcast can be found here. They were off line for a while as they hammered out their contract with the theater group and now they are available as free downloads. Nevertheless, they do depend upon financial support. Next time your in Chicago, make plans to attend the live production.

Recently I've come across some theater groups such as Lamplighter Theater and Lifehouse Productions, which are are right up there with the quality of Focus on the Family Radio Theatre (which is hard to match). Although most of these productions are not free, you can download Lifehouse's The Count of Monte Christo on Radio Drama Revival (Part 1, Part 2). Lamplighter has some downloads available here. You can check out some of the work by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre, here.

Eventually I hope to post a blog on my Free Resource page that offers a more exhaustive list of Christian audio dramatizations. But for now I hope this helps others find what they're looking for. God bless!